About Organization


Same with the government or a company which is a group of people in a container for a common goal .


Organization is basically used as a place or container where people congregate , cooperate in a rational and systematic , planned , organized , guided and controlled , in utilizing the resources ( money , materials ,
machines , methods , environment ) , medium - parasarana , data, and so forth are used efficiently and effectively to achieve the same goal .According to experts there is some sense of organization as follows .• Stoner said that the organization is a pattern of relationships through which people under the direction of supervisors pursue a common goal .• James D. Mooney argued that the organization is a form of every human association for a common goal .• Chester I. Bernard argues that the organization is a system of cooperation activities undertaken by two or more persons .• Stephen P. Robbins stated that the organization is a social entity consciously coordinated , with a relatively identifiable boundary , working on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or group of goals .An organization can be formed because it is influenced by several aspects such as the unification of the vision and mission and goals are the same as the embodiment of the existence of a group of people to the community . Well-regarded organization is the organization that can be recognized by the local community , because it contributes such as making human resources in the community as members so that push the unemployment rate [ 1 ]People who are in an organization has an ongoing relationship . This sense of connectedness , it does not mean a lifetime membership . [ 1 ] However, on the contrary , organizations face constant change in their membership , even though at the time they become members , the people in the organization to participate in a relatively orderly .


In each individual organization can interact with all the structures associated either directly or indirectly to the organization of their choosing . In order to interact effectively each individual can participate in organizations that participate bersangkutan.Dengan each individual can better know what things should be done .Basically participation is defined as involvement of mental or thoughts and emotions or feelings in the group situation that prompted him to contribute to the group in order to achieve the goal .
Active involvement in participating , not just mean physical involvement alone . [ 1 ] Participation can be defined as mental involvement , thoughts , and emotions or feelings in a group situation that prompted him to contribute to the group in order to achieve the goals and partially responsible for the business concerned .

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